2021 CMCP “In Session”: A Day to Earn MCLE and Network by Practice Area
OnlineLegal Ethics Game Show: COVID Edition (CLE #1) Session Details: January 21, 2021 9:30am - 10:30am CA MCLE credit: 1.0 Legal Ethics A lively game show style session engaging the audience in analyzing hypotheticals involving potential ethical issues for in-house and outside counsel. Panelists: Melvin Felton, Partner, Sanders Roberts LLP Soniya Khemlani, Partner Walsworth (WFBM,…
Speaker Boot Camp: Part 1 “Use Teaching Techniques to Grow Your Practice”
OnlineJoin CEB and CMCP in watching a CEB video followed by a live Q&A with the speakers. Details: 1pm - 2:30pm
CMCP Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Open House
OnlineSchedule a Consultation to Discuss Your Diversity Initiatives, DEI Best Practices in the Legal Sector, and CMCP Programs and Services That Benefit Attorneys of Color Click the link below to schedule a Zoom meeting at your convenience (Zoom meeting registration required): Members and Non-Members Welcome; Appointments Open to Multiple Attendees
CMCP2020 Virtual Conference (09/22-09/24)
OnlineThe California Minority Counsel Program's 31st Annual Business Conference - CMCP2020 - will be held this year as an interactive, online experience on September 22-24, 2020. No travel, hotel, or time out-of-the-office required! You can look forward to CMCP signature events including the Women of Color Forum and Reception, CMCP Corporate Connections, "No Bosses Allowed"…
Smallish: Working at or with Small and Mid-sized Law Firms
OnlineAre you aware that small and mid-sized law firms can handle large and complex matters, get high marks for responsiveness and agility and can develop and maintain top-tier talent? During this program, participants will: Discuss the differences between working at a large firm versus a small-mid sized firm. Discuss the common misconceptions of small-mid sized…
Demystifying Business Development in the Virtual Environment
OnlineWhen in-person meetings are no longer possible, what does business development look like, and how does one do it effectively? Join us to discuss the new challenges in creating virtual…
ACC SoCal & Ogletree Deakins Present: Social Justice in the Modern Civil Rights Era A Series
OnlineIn collaboration with Ogletree Deakins, the ACC-SoCal Diversity and Inclusion committee is excited to launch a series of web-based programs centered on racial justice and reform. The series will provide our members the opportunity to hear from prominent leaders in the Civil Rights Movement and promote understanding, dialogue and practical tools for creating change in…
Building Allyship Among Attorneys of Color
OnlineDuring this program, participants will: Briefly examine demographic data and historical trends regarding numbers of racial minority attorneys at US law firms Discuss barriers and traditional barriers to retention and advancement of attorneys of color Discuss how law firm affinity groups, ERGs and individual minority attorneys have worked to advance minority attorneys Explore opportunities for…
Juggling in a Crisis: Don’t Drop the Self-Care Ball
OnlineOur lives include constant juggling – family, work obligations, friends, social media, organizational commitments, and more. What happens with self-care, especially in times of crisis when other duties become magnified? It’s time for real talk about the struggles we are facing during this crisis, how to juggle more effectively, and making sure we don’t drop…
CMCP Virtual Program Step Up!
OnlineAn interactive program that provides networking and professional development for the next generation of attorneys of color, at which attendees will learn from and with their law firm and inhouse peers. Participants will: • Hear tips and best practices on networking and professional development from an experienced attorney • Have an opportunity to practice networking…