Get Involved
Attend CMCP Signature Events
CMCP signature events are valued by both law firms and legal departments for corporate and public agencies.
The Annual Business Conference is a three-day event packed with business networking opportunities and educational programming with attorneys of color in the roster of speakers and DEI issues addressed throughout.
Corporate Connections – speed networking interviews for the busy executive seeking an efficient and effective opportunity to meet diverse law firm representatives and allies.
Counsel Connect – small group networking with attorneys of color and allies in the same practice area.
Women of Color Conference – our stand-alone conference for women of color business attorneys to listen, share, and connect. Women of all colors and races are welcome to attend.
Connect with the CMCP Ambassadors Council
The mission of the CMCP Ambassadors Council includes expanding CMCP’s reach and effectiveness by connecting and creating programming for junior lawyers (law firm non-partners and in-house non-managers).
Be a CMCP Program Speaker
Send us information on areas of expertise for which you’re qualified to speak. Include information about past speaking engagements on the topic(s). Or if you have a good panel idea, bring it to CMCP with details about structure, realistic potential speakers, and possible venues, including your own organization.
Write an Article
Submit an article for publication in CMCP’s E-Newsletter – a great way for your peers, clients and prospects see your published work.
Promote CMCP on Social Media
Follow CMCP on Twitter, join CMCP’s LinkedIn group, and become a fan on Facebook.
Use your favorite social media to promote your involvement in CMCP, along with CMCP’s programs relevant to your career.
Sponsor or Host a CMCP Event
Be an Annual Program Sponsor, an Annual Business Conference Sponsor or sponsor/host a specific CMCP event.
Tout Your Membership
Add CMCP’s logo to your diversity page, with a link to CMCP’s website. Encourage your entire staff to signup for the newsletter and participate in CMCP activities.
Recruit Diverse Talent
The CMCP Job Bank is open to and freely searchable by the public, and lists openings at top corporate legal departments and law firms seeking a diverse and inclusive pool of candidates.
Annual Business Conference
Attend the conference and take advantage of three days filled with opportunities to connect – through Corporate Connections interviews, interactive breakout groups, receptions, and more.
Connections and business/job opportunities abound during the entire conference, so come prepared to meet new people everywhere – in the hallways, at the receptions, and riding the elevators.
Law Firms & Corporations: Attendees include associates, junior partners, and non-managing attorneys, in addition to legal service providers. Many conference programs focus on professional development and connections for younger attorneys.
In-House Counsel: Attorneys from your company may participate in Corporate Connections (conference registration is free for in-house attorneys who do these interviews). The professional development activities and connections made during the entire conference are as important to in-house counsel as law firm attendees.
Volunteer for the Conference Planning Committee
Help pick and design the sessions for the next Annual Business Conference.
Send CMCP Your Success Stories
Let us promote your successes in CMCP e-Bulletins, e-Newsletter and/or on our website.
Much of the member news published in CMCP e-Bulletins, e-Newsletters, website and social media is received directly from our members. Some member news is periodically selected by CMCP as we find it in other publications recognizing members for their achievements. Our priorities for selecting success stories for publication include:
- News specifically about CMCP and our members that is of particular interest to the CMCP community.
- In accord with CMCP’s mission, we emphasize the successes of minority attorney members and celebrate the successes of entire member organizations such as law firms and corporate legal departments. CMCP does this routinely through programs such as an annual recognition of minority attorneys who are elevated to partner, and by saluting member firms and companies recognized as diversity leaders.
- CMCP will highlight our members’ successes as much as we can within our capacity. In fairness to all our members, we may limit the number of mentions of a particular member organization or individual attorney within a given period of time.
News that is time sensitive may be posted above events that will happen later.