Support CMCP

Your support for California Minority Counsel Program | CMCP helps to expand our outreach, provide substantive content and promote valuable opportunities for attorneys of color across California.
Now more than ever, the California Minority Counsel Program | CMCP strengthens our community of diverse lawyers by developing and delivering:
- Unparalleled diversity, equity, and inclusion events and programming presented by the leading diverse experts with open conversations facilitated by skilled DEI professionals
- Continuing legal education (cle) tailored to address the latest topics, recent developments, and critical analysis
- Career leads and recruiting resources to connect to the best employers and diverse talent in every practice area of law
- Networks that lead to significant business partnerships and authentic, long-term relationships
- A team of dedicated staff curating programs, tools, and initiatives to maximize membership
Thank you for joining us in our work to advance access and opportunity for attorneys of color in California.
California Minority Counsel Program is a 501(c)6 organization and donations are not deductible as charitable contributions on the donor’s federal income tax return. They may be deductible as trade or business expenses if ordinary and necessary in the conduct of the taxpayer’s business. For more information, please contact your financial advisor or visit